“Queer(y)ing Sexualitäten im Hohenlied.” Public lecure in the series Queer Theology. Eine andere Art von Theologie entdecken!? on the 20.03.2022 at the University of Bern.
“Relating Seals from the Southern Levant and Gender Archaeology. Theoretical and Practical Considerations.” Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in San Antonio, TX; November 2021.
“Intersecting Stamp Seals and Gendered Bodies.” Annual Meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research in Chicago, IL; November 2021.
“Wearing a Seal as Conceptual Metaphor and Bodily Experience.” Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Wuppertal; August 2021.
“Wearing a Seal as Conceptual Metaphor. Tracing a Conceptual Metaphor In the Song of Songs and In Its Relation to Bodily Experience.” Graduate Symposium of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Mainz; Mai 2021.